Policies & Etiquette

Policies & Etiquette


Always respect others! 

Never assume someone’s pronouns  based on looking at them. No body shaming, discrimination, no verbal or physical judgment or abuse, no diminishing or mocking of sex workers or sex industry, be open minded and patient, especially for students with special physical conditions, language barriers, etc.) 

Safety & Respect 

We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable. Always respect each other and honor personal boundaries. Please don’t make assumptions about someone’s pronouns based on how they look. We have a strict no-tolerance policy for body shaming, discrimination, or any form of judgment or abuse. Let’s be open-minded and patient, especially with those who may have special physical needs or language barriers. 

Inclusivity & Community 

We celebrate diversity! Our studio is a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of background, body type, or skill level. We believe that each person brings something unique to our community. We work hard to make sure everyone feels accepted and valued, encouraging connections and friendships. 

Creativity & Expression

We want you to express yourself! We encourage you to explore your own style and creativity, whether it’s through choreography or just having fun with your movement. Our classes and workshops are designed to inspire you and give you the freedom to be yourself. We believe that embracing creativity not only enriches our practice but also strengthens our bond as a community.


Attire — To fully enjoy your pole experience, please wear athletic pole/yoga shorts that are tight fitting and sufficiently cover private areas. We also sell some attire in the studio lobby, if you forget yours.

For some classes, kneepads are highly recommended. Please check the class description to see if knee pads are needed. You can purchase your own knee pads (see a detailed review of knee pads for pole dancers here) or buy them from the studio when you come in. 

Lotion — Please avoid applying lotions especially on the hands and legs when coming to the studio. It's safe to avoid balms and lotions at least 24 hours before your scheduled class. If you need grip aid, we sell them in the studio, and also feel free to check out this article for pole grip product reviews. 

Hygiene — Since we work near and, at times, in close contact with each other, please practice appropriate hygiene management before class. Please wear clean workout clothes and deodorant. Also, please avoid using heavily scented perfumes as some are sensitive to these smells.


Film/Photography is allowed — You can always film or photograph yourself between classes and during Open Pole. When doing so at these times, make sure to respect the privacy of others and do not get them in any shots unless you ask them beforehand. 

Be sure to tag @songbirddance on IG!